Because our expertise, statistics and specialization can guarantee your treatment.
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Our Story
iMER (International Medical Evaluation and Referrals) is a Worldwide Health Services Provider and the exclusive representative of Hadassah University Hospital in Greece and Cyprus since March 2007, with offices in Cyprus (Nicosia) and Israel (in Hadassah hospital).
During all these years, we have an absolute commitment of providing our patients from Greece and Cyprus with the best quality of healthcare services and the expertise of Hadassah University Hospital in all areas of its specialization.
Our hospital facilities
Since the establishment of Hadassah's first hospital in Jerusalem in 1918 - the Hadassah University Medical Center has expanded to include two University hospitals in Jerusalem -located on Mt. Scopus and in Ein Kerem. The flagship of Hadassah, the two hospitals occupy 850 doctors, 1940 nursing staff employees and a number of 1020 people as paramedical. Also have 1000 beds, 31 operation rooms, 9 Intensive Care units and five schools of allied medical professions, owned and operated in collaboration with the Hebrew University.
Hadassah's extensive network of satellite services provides community health care programs, specialized outpatient clinics and services in several city neighborhoods and nearby towns, as well as consultation clinics in the center of Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv.
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Just make an appointment to get help from our experts
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- Opening Hours
Just make an appointment to get help from our experts

Hadassah doctors are pioneers and inventors in their field who have been using methods mainly in neurology, oncology and genetics that are not being used elsewhere in the world. Some of them are still considered trial methods, which can definitely give a hope and an option to the patient though.

It is very often that our cases need the involvement of more than one specializations. In such cases our specialized doctors from different disciplines, work together to offer the best possible treatment to the patient.

Our specialized medical crew is available 24/7 to make air ambulance transfers from Greece and Cyprus or any other country, either to Hadassah or to any other hospital requested anywhere in the world.

Our services are always tailor made to the needs of our patient, as well as to the certain requirements of the health problem our patient is dealing with. This is the outcome of our commitment to offer patient oriented services

As part of the full-fledged diagnostics (Check-Up), we are making a comprehensive series of tests for early detection of factors that precede the follow diseases (among others):
Cardio-vascular system's problemsOncologyKidney and liver problemsBowel illnessLungs problemsGynecology and urology problemsSkin diseasesEyes, ears and throat problemsCheck-Up in Israel makes it possible to diagnose and make an early detection of dangerous diseases that can critically affect life's quality.
Two modern facilities - "Hadassah Ein Kerem" in Jerusalem and "Hadassah" in Tel Aviv - allow to spend 3 to 4 hours for a full study of your health’s condition.
For patients that prefer to have the exams in Cyprus or Greece, it is still possible in top quality.

The Cardiology Department consists of various branches that operate within it - the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), and units which specialize in diseases such as arrhythmi...
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Prof. Chaim Lotan

Heart diseases are a major cause of suffering and death, but early diagnosis and timely treatment can provide a positive prognosis for most patients. The Department of...
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Prof. Oz Shapira

The department has 27 in-patient beds, including a dedicated neurosurgical intensive care unit with 6 beds staffed by specially trained nursing personnel. Over 700 ele...
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Dr. Yigal Shoshan, MD

The department treats all kinds of neurological disturbances and has at its disposal doctors coming from different areas of expertise and with extensive experience and...
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Prof. Tamir Ben-Hur, MD

The Sharett Institute of Oncology was established at the Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical Center in 1977 as a national institute for the prevention, treatment, and...
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Prof. Tamar Yablonski -Peretz

The Paediatric Cardiology Department cares for children born with heart defects, and treats heart diseases which manifest during childhood. Also treats fetuses, newbor...
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Prof. Azaria JTT Rein
Prof. Tamar Yablonski -Peretz

The department offers a plethora of specializations in the field of women's health such as infertility, pregnancy monitoring, complications in pregnancy, puberty, meno...
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Prof. Azaria JTT Rein
Prof. Reubinoff Benjamin

The Internal Medicine Division at Hadassah Ein Kerem treats a wide range of issues related to Internal Medicine...
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Prof. Arie Ben-Yehuda, MD

Diseases and trauma to the bones, muscles, ligaments, and joints affect a large portion of the population, regardless of age. These types of injuries cause pain and li...
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Prof. Meir (Iri) Liebergall, MD